Purchase options

T-shirt availablity:

1.) Every month we release 2 developer t-shirts

2.) Subscribers get to select 2 t-shirts from the 4 available

3.) 6 months later our illustrations are on sale as reprints

Subscribers members area:

1.) Members area is a simple page, which contains t-shirts you’ve picked and ability to pick t-shirt from current release cycle

2.) Subscribers t-shirts are limited editions, and they shall never be on sale again. You can only purchase reprints.

3.) Legitimacy of subscribers T-shirt can be confirmed trough seeing their members area, as it features digital certificate of ownership

4.) We plan to introduce ability to send/sell your digital ownership of limited edition T-shirt


1.) Reprints can be purchased 6 months after release

2.) Buying 2 T-shirts costs $53.98, by subscribing you get it for $35.99

3.) Reprints come with same illustration as limited edition releases.

Why subscribe?

Buying 2 reprints would cost you $53.98, by subscribing you get t-shirts in limited edition for only $35.99 (44% lower price). Besides significant subscribers discount, they also get to be first ones to wear new t-shirts. There is also a fact thing subscribers t-shirts are limited edition, making them collectible items.

Latest Release
Released in September 2023


Available by subscribing

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