Real world code
If you like us, prefer technical challenge to resemble real life situation, than this t-shirt is perfect for you. Show off your expertise at building software.
If you like us, prefer technical challenge to resemble real life situation, than this t-shirt is perfect for you. Show off your expertise at building software.
Illustration has that cartoonish tone of a simple coding challenge. However, various details help keep that superhero-like superior feeling of successfully passing technical interview. It features a nicely framed text. For sure, it makes the wearer look geeky.
Made out of the highest quality combed and ring-spun cotton. This t-shirt feels incredibly soft, smooth and light on your skin. It's breathable, absorbent and provides the right amount of stretch. You'll feel comfortable wearing it when you're coding!
Being a software engineer is the new cool. The illustration on the tee is original and speaks engineer. Be proud and show off your engineering skills. As a bonus it can be a great conversation starter too
We guarantee that our t-shirts will withstand more than 100 washing machine cycles.
If you wash your t-shirt once per month that is duration of 8+ years.
With each t-shirt we release a short manifesto describing our opinionated views on the illustrated topic. Check it out you might find it interesting.